Originally posted by Galea.
!start = changes topic to let people know a tournament is starting
!startclub = same as above
!startnational = same as above
!startinternational = same as above
!startcl = changes topic so people know a champions league/uefa cup is being drawn
!add = add players for a standard tournament
!addteam = add a team to a list to be randomly drawn to users
!list = shows the current players in the standard tournament
!remove# = removes a player from the list (# equals the players number in the list)
!clear = clears all players in all lists
!drawt # = drawing teams out randomly to players (# = number of players and teams)
!drawx # = draws the amount of players in the list (# = number of players)
!#rr # = first # = number of players per group, second # number of players to be drawn. so !4rr 16 will draw 16 players into 4 groups of 4. If odd numbers then the remaining players who don't get drawn will be in a group as im unsure how to draw them.
!draw2 = draws 2 players out of the list
!draw4 = draws 4 players out of the list
!draw8 = draws 8 players out of the list
!draw16 = draws 16 players out of the list
!draw32 = draws 32 players out of the list
now this command is tricky (Effe can tell you how tricky lol)
First of all the first # in the !#group# is for the number of people per group. So if I did !4group4 it would put 4 people in groups of 4. If I did !4group8 then it will put 4 people in 8 groups.
!addp# = now this command is not as tricky as the last one. the # will be replaced by the number pot people will be drew from. !addp1 would add players to pot one, only 8 people can be added into each pot and there are 8 pots in total. If you want to use groups of 4 then people will have to be added in to each pot 1-8. you can draw 8 people into 8 pots but I cant see that happen
!removep# # = removes the # player from the # pot (first # equals which pot list, second # equals the number of the player u wish to remove from that list)
!kick = kicks the user from the channel
!ban = bans the user from the channel temporarily
!ban10 = bans the user for 10 minutes
!ban12hour = bans the user for 12 hours
!topic = change the message people see when they enter the chat room
!slap = chat room slap a user in the channel
!boot = chat room boots a player up the arse
!goal = messages the chat room as tells users you have scored
!poof = calls another user a poof
!end = ends the tournament and changes the topic back to original topic
!mute = mutes the channel form people without the @ or + channel rights
!unmutes = unmutes the channel so all can speak again
!help = brings you here to see the commands